Many protested against the BNP's inclusion in the programme. I say to these people, 'what the hell were you so worried about?'
Whilst many were concerned about the BNP coming across as a party with any credibility whatsoever, they can now safely sigh with relief. Griffin crumbled at the first sign of scrutiny, shaking, sweating and laughing innappropriately at the mention of his Holocaust denial.
Clutching at straws, he found the momentum to start an epic rant that removed any veneer of respectibility from his character. Charlie Brooker commented on Twitter at the time: "Did he really just complain about the cancellation of guided tours of the Lake District?" He did. He really did.
Fair play to the BBC, they did well. I was especially fond of their positioning of Griffin next to a mixed race woman who seemed to have had her neck surgically positioned pointing away from him for the duration of the programme.
He quickly deteriorated, calling the Ku Klux Klan 'non-violent' and demanding that homosexuality is not taught in primary schools, which is a shame, because I always enjoyed my double gay lesson on Thursdays when I was 8. He also described gay people as 'creepy', although if he's basing this on himself, for the record I find the idea of him kissing anyone particularly disconcerting.

Not a man that defines 'fuckable', is he?
Particularly fun was the camera panning away as Griffin was totally blanked by his black neighbour during the 'talky bit at the end of the news' bit.
"I don't know why I said those things". - Regarding his previous Holocaust denial. I don't think that would have gone down well at Nuremberg.
The really threatening bit about his appearance is that while only an idiot could possibly find any merit in the meanderings spilled out of his bigoted and wrong mouth, that idiot's vote counts for just the same as anyone else. In a (slightly lazy and generalistic) sense, the next election could be a referendum of stupidity.
ReplyDeleteI agree. Unfortunately the BNP members are known for being active voters and participants. The people to blame are the ones who don't vote, as they allow travesties like this to take place where the BNP are actually getting voted into positions of power.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the BBC programming placed around QT. It's really hammering the 'racism is bad, don't do racism' message home.