Unfortunately for those who regard rampant homophobia within the Conservatives as in the public interest, searches for 'Philippa Stroud' ended in 0 results on the following websites:
News of the World
The Sun
The Express
The Daily Mail
The Telegraph
Channel 4
It appears only the Guardian and the Independent are acknowledging this story exists at all. As a result I feel lost and alone in a world too large for me, desperately hugging my copy of yesterday's Guardian, my tears marking a trail in the rapidly fading newsprint.
Of course, there is light in all of this, maybe that stuff about the Tories being in the lead isn't true after all. And besides, with this being the first election with genuinely strong social networking between the young in things of this matter, they haven't felt the full force of the Twitter hammer yet.
So here's my threat, vote Tory and I'll block you from my Facebook.
"So here's my threat, vote Tory and I'll block you from my Facebook. " This has just made my day. I'll do much the same ;D
ReplyDeleteI ceased to be amazed at the way that the media barons manipulate their news coverage to get what they feel is in their best interest. It has been happening for years.
ReplyDeleteMy only gimmer of hope is the internet and the way that the Murdoch's Evil Empire and other news organisations are moving towards charging for online content. Hopefully that will mean that their version of 'news' will become increasingly irrelavent as fewer people read it.
It's going to be more important than ever for young people to vote. Only old fogies will vote for the tories.
ReplyDeleteI feel sick when I hear about people who thinks gay people just have some disease... I hope something bad happens to this woman!
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely terrifying - this individual has a huge influence on Tory policy and her misguided and dangerous views extend beyond homophobia. It is absolutely in the public interest that this needs to be reported, otherwise we are heading the way of the US...
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, the Telegraph DID run the story: